
Showing posts from March, 2017

VSSC 2017: Pitching Task For Prospective Entrepreneurs

A platform called "Pitching" was presented for the singles with business plans to share their ideas and also to try selling their products or services to others by convincing them on what exactly they do and on how they intend to establish themselves. Eight individuals from the various outreaches came out and shared their business plans, while Pastor Jide William acted as the judge, and he also rated and made corrections to the presentations.  And he (Williams), afterwards, gave a brief insights into how business presentations are done professionally, and presented a gift of books to all the participants. Some of the business ideas shared were in the areas of Fashion designing, Food and hospitality, Magazine publication, laundry, Groundnut supplies, Christian entertainment and so on. Images from the Pitching event below... Participants giving their business presentations Pastor Williams addressing the audience on

Couples' Treasure Hunt Goes Down @ The Singles' Conference

It was another interesting time on Thursday afternoon as seven couples were selected from the crowd at random, and were given the task of searching for two pieces of hidden treasures around the auditorium.  The couples lined up, getting ready for the hunt  The couples, in pairs, went about frantically in search of the treasures, which took about 10 minutes before two people (a male and a female) from different pairs, eventually located the given treasures, and were rewarded accordingly. The Winners, with the hunted treasures The winners, with their respective partners The programme's host giving a closing shout out

Movie Time @ The Singles' Conference

  The morning session of the second day of the Singles' Conference 2017, Friday 31st of March, begins with movie-watching. Two short love movies " and The Truth of Lies " were shown to the singles audience, after which lessons from both movies were identified and discussed. The moderator sharing some lessons from the movies Pictures from the interactive part of the movies' lessons analysis, below...  #SinglesAndGodly #VSSC2017