
Showing posts from January, 2017

SABBATH SERMON – Exercising Dominion Over Death

Date  – Saturday 28th of January, 2017. Preacher – Pastor Bukola Ajide Bible text - Romans 1:1-2 A short story - There was a pastor who was said to have escaped being killed by armed robbers in Abuja. And then, few days after, he died in a plane crash – and I began to be angry with God wondering why. But his church members later said that, prior to his death, whenever he was talking to them, he was always calling himself a walking dead man – though trying to describe to them the level of danger he has encountered. But in other words, he never knew he was releasing the authority of death over his life. “What you don’t know you will never believe and what u don’t believe u will never experience”. You know some people believe that death is a mystery, God just points to a number of persons and says, now die! But we need to know what the bible says about it. This world is guided by law, and they are in operation, whether you understand them or not it would be effective

Sabbath Sermon - When God Steps In

Date : Saturday, 21 st January, 2017. Sermon by : Prof. Kayode Makinde Title – “ When God Steps In” - You just have to be faithful in every little thing that confronts you day by day. -  You and I must realize that for God to step in, we must continually listen to God, because it is a journey. -  It is not by position, but it by anointing. -  If you win a victory and you go to rest, that may be the very last victory that you would have. God forbid. The message was delivered by Professor Kayode Makinde, the former V.C of Babcock University. He gave the message, while rounding-off the one-week-long prayer programme at Victory Sanctuary, S.D.A Church, Lekki, Lagos. He began by sharing a personal testimony of a miracle he experienced at the beginning of the year 2017. Happy reading... "When God steps in, you are never in doubt… On 2 nd January, I was in Ibadan, to have a family celebration. Along the way back Ilishan, around the 'guru mahraji' on

Church @ Sabbath School Today

Below are the images from the Sabbath-School classes this morning, at Victory Sanctuary, S.D.A Church, Lekki. Today's Lesson is Lesson 2 , and titled "The Work of the Holy Spirit". Happy Sabbath brethren!