SABBATH SERMON – Exercising Dominion Over Death

Date – Saturday 28th of January, 2017.
Preacher – Pastor Bukola Ajide
Bible text - Romans 1:1-2

A short story - There was a pastor who was said to have escaped being killed by armed robbers in Abuja. And then, few days after, he died in a plane crash – and I began to be angry with God wondering why. But his church members later said that, prior to his death, whenever he was talking to them, he was always calling himself a walking dead man – though trying to describe to them the level of danger he has encountered. But in other words, he never knew he was releasing the authority of death over his life.

“What you don’t know you will never believe and what u don’t believe u will never experience”. You know some people believe that death is a mystery, God just points to a number of persons and says, now die! But we need to know what the bible says about it.
This world is guided by law, and they are in operation, whether you understand them or not it would be effective on you.

There are 2 laws guiding this world…

*Law of spirit of life in Christ Jesus
*Law of sin and death (Romans 1:1-2).

If you operate in d law of life in Christ Jesus, you have dominion over (it sets free from) d law of sin and death!

Romans 5:12-17 - Death spread to all men because all have sinned. The fact is, during the time of Adam death reigned. But I’ve come to announce to you this morning that the reign of death is over, in Jesus name. Untimely death is not your portion on Jesus name. Amen.

The problem is that people don't understand this law. It is when you exercise that dominion that death will stop harassing you!
Genesis 47:1&7-9 - Pharaoh asked Jacob, how old are you? – and he said d years of my pilgrimage area 130 years, it has been few and difficult.
Death was part of the Abrahamic covenant – Genesis 15:15 & 18 – Good old age. God told Abraham that he would go to his grave at a very old age. Genesis 25:7-8 – Abraham lived for 175 years.

Genesis 35:29 – Isaac was 180 years -  I declare to somebody, you will longer than your father, you will not die suddenly in Jesus name. Amen. Sometimes devil shows u d picture of things that are not real and when you believe it, he begins to deal with you. Know what the bible says rather, because it is part of the Abrahamic covenant for us to live long.

Exodus 23:25-26 – God says we will fulfill the number of our days! Untimely death is not His will.
Job 5:19-23 & 26 – It says He shall redeem us from death. And that we shall come to the grave in at a full age (long life). And if you don’t apply this word through the law of life in Christ Jesus, it will never work for you, but when you apply it, it gives you victory, and sets you free from the law of sin and death. So shall be your portion in Jesus name. Amen!

You will be satisfied in Jesus name!

Hebrews 8:6 – God has established a better covenant with better promises with us. If the old covenant makes provision for people to live long, that means that the better covenant enables us to live longer. But you have to apply it. When Jesus came, the reign of death became over.
John 10:10 – Jesus came so that we can have life and have it abundantly. You are not supposed to die anyhow. Accidents taking people’s lives anyhow is not normal. It will not be your portion in Jesus name. Amen.

John 10:18 – Jesus willingly laid down His life, because He has the authority. Christ has redeemed us from the laws of death. – Galatians 3:14 – Jesus death redeemed us!
In Philippians 1:20 -23 – Paul said he was hard pressed between two – whether to die at a time and go to meet with the Lord or to remain alive.
The reign of death is over, satan does not have it (the power) anymore! Jesus has the key, because He is the resurrection and life.. Revelation 1:18.

How to Operate The Dominion Over Death 

*Watch your tongue – Those who don’t speak death don’t see death (18:21 – the power of the tongue). Ignorance is not an excuse.
Exodus 14:10-12, 16:1-3 – The children of Israel began to speak death and started to die.
Exodus 13:3. – They mentioned death because they needed water – By this doing this, they said in motion law of sin and death. Numbers 14:28. – God says, "I will do to you whatever you say to my ears"Proverbs 15:4, Proverbs 13:3 – About the use of the tongue.

*Service - Service is also a condition for long life. When you serve the Lord, He protects you and you will live long.

PRAYER - Ladies and gentlemen,  I decree to you, you will exercise the dominion this year in Jesus name, no accident, no demon can kill you in the mighty name of Jesus. You will never go before time, in your house nobody will die suddenly, in Jesus name. Amen!


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