Sabbath Sermon - When God Steps In

Date: Saturday, 21st January, 2017.
Sermon by: Prof. Kayode Makinde
Title – “When God Steps In”

- You just have to be faithful in every little thing that confronts you day by day.

You and I must realize that for God to step in, we must continually listen to God, because it is a journey.

It is not by position, but it by anointing.

If you win a victory and you go to rest, that may be the very last victory that you would have. God forbid.

The message was delivered by Professor Kayode Makinde, the former V.C of Babcock University. He gave the message, while rounding-off the one-week-long prayer programme at Victory Sanctuary, S.D.A Church, Lekki, Lagos.

He began by sharing a personal testimony of a miracle he experienced at the beginning of the year 2017.

Happy reading...

"When God steps in, you are never in doubt… On 2nd January, I was in Ibadan, to have a family celebration. Along the way back Ilishan, around the 'guru mahraji' on the expressway, around 6 a.m, I saw that the my fuel gauge was half-way and before I moved farther, the  fuel was empty. And I parked, in no man’s land. The Lord said keep going, I kept going slowly, then I saw that I was overtaking other vehicles how possible could this be? 

"I tried to get fuel at a fuel station, I could not, it was closed, and I turned back to the express, I saw that the fuel gauge that had been showing red turned around and began to rise. As I approached the Iperu Babcock University (BU) campus, my fuel tank rose to 3-quarter, and by the time I was in BU campus, the fuel gauge showed that the tank was almost full. And by the time I got down, the gauge showed that it was empty to zero!"

"This didn’t happen by chance. I just began to worship and praise God. And I showed my testimony with people around. And there I got the message, “When God Steps In”.

We are studying the experience of David. Regardless of what you might have achieved, don’t rest and stop, don't turn back. Turning back is dangerous. David was found to be faithful, because his Faith was Full. He had inspiration. Inspiration is like a stream, it flows.

You and I must realize that for God to step to step in, we must continually listen to God, because it is a journey. Goliath was 10 feet, David was barely 5 feet, and David was from what they call the least from Bethlehem. Goliath graduated from Philistine Army, and David finished from Bethlehem High school of Cattle-Rearing. By profession, Goliath was a military man, David, an ordinary civilian. Goliath had a cognitive experience in military, while David had no experience.

"Because the word of the Lord says, the name of the Lord is a strong tower…. The moment David mentioned the name of the Lord, the Lord stepped in. Goliath had sword of the flesh, David had the sword of the spirit. The words of David carried power, and Goliath’s word had just saliva and noise".

And the king of Israel knew a lot about Goliath, he told David, this man has been a warrior right from his young days… And by the time David came, you discovered that they knew very little about David. That was why when David killed Goliath, someone asked, whose son was that? 

And Abinadab denied David, he said I swear, “I do not know”.

It is not by position, but it by anointing. David had been an arm bearer for Saul, they left their solution (David) behind. Until David got there and introduced himself…I’m the David, the son of the humble Jesse. (1st Samuel 17:46).

Goliath was speaking, trying to frighten and intimidate David, and David was speaking back. Goliath was so angry that he forgot his cap. David understood that the battle was spiritual and not physical or canal. And Goliath died like a chicken.

"Goliath said he would give David’s body to the birds of the air, not knowing that that would be his last word. In your life, God will have the last word, not your enemy. At a point in your life when you have surrendered your matter to God, stop dialoguing with the enemy, but plan your actions".

What You Must Have for God To Step In

Faithfulness - David had been faithful in every little task given to me. You just have to be faithful in every little thing that confronts you day by day. The brass helmet of Goliath was cracked as he was standing in front of David. 

Prayer - God will crack the helmet of your enemy in Jesus name. Amen.

Simply because the enemy has fallen does not mean that your enemy is dead. Keep on fighting and ensure your enemy is finally defeated.. David climbed over the body of Goliath, cut his head, and when his subjects saw it, they fled.

The focus of the soldiers of Israel and why they could not kill Goliath was because they were focusing on material things, “anyone who is able to kill Goliath  will be given wife, money, goods etc". While David took back the head of Goliath …If you win a victory and you go to rest, that may be the very last victory that you would have. God forbid. David stepped up from the position of just the arm-bearer to the position of the Chief of the Army Staff of Israel. Amen.

Prayer - In 2017, God will promote you, in Jesus name! Amen.

Faithfulness should be the foundation on which you lay everything that you would do in this 2017.

Inspiration - Be inspired by always and constantly listening to God.

Purpose – You need to have a purpose for life, and you need to be creative when an opportunity comes up.

Identity - What is your identity? You need to know exactly what you are living for, and exactly what you stand for.

Courage -  Then you need to have courage to counter life's many battles.

Other photos from the service here below...


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