PROPHECY CONFERENCE 2017: Trump Became The President Of U.S. Because He Spoke a Prophetic Language - (What Is Mark Of The Beast)?

Preacher: Pastor Bukola Ajide

Key Scriptures: Daniel Chapters 2 & 7, and Revelations 14.

Date: 14th 17th of June, 2017.

The Greatest Deception in History is the change of the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday!

In fact, the Catholics killed more people during the dark ages, than the number of people who died during both the 1st and the 2nd World War.

Sabbath Honour is a sign between God and His Children. The papacy tried to change that, to rebel against the SEAL (Authority) of God.

There is no middle ground. You need to take a stand - you either receive the seal of God or the seal of the beast.

It was a refreshing four days of revelations and expositions to great knowledge, as the 2017 edition of the Victory Sanctuary's Adventure in Bible Prophecy, was held. The programme, tagged Prophecy Conference, took place between Wednesday 14th and Saturday 17th of June.

Senior pastor, Pastor Bukola took the audience through a series of prophecy interpretations and their fulfillment, as were linked and traced to the the book of Daniel chapters 2 & 7, and also from the book of Revelations chapter 14.

The venue for the conference was the Victory Sanctuary's church auditorium, Lekki, Lagos.

Below is the wrap up of the messages from the four-day prophetic event.  Enjoy as you read.


The sinking of the Titanic ship was a fulfillment of a prophecy! Everything that was written about Titanic happened to it. The event was predicted 13 years before it eventually came to pass.And today, God still shows His people what is going to happen.

Hussein - He tried to rule Europe
Former Iraqi's president, Saddam Hussein's goal was to rule Europe. He tried to rebuild Jerusalem, trying to prove the Bible wrong, but he could not. He was overtaken by America and got killed. You can never prove the word of the Lord wrong. The word of God can never be changed!

In Daniel Chapter 2, after Nebuchadnezzar had conquered the world, one night he had a dream, but he woke up and couldn’t remember. He called his magicians and asked them to tell him his dream and the meaning, but they could not.
Daniel and his friends went and sought the help of God in prayer… There is power in the prayer of agreement. God showed the dream and the meaning to Daniel! Amen.

There is nothing that God cannot show His men. He is the God that reveals secrets. God showed to Nebuchadnezzar (in his dream) what would happen to the world from his time to the end in the political setting.

In the image in Nebuchadnezzar's dream, there was the head of GOLD.

*Head of GOLD represents the Nebuchadnezzar's kingdom - Though he never wanted his (Babylon's kingdom) to end.

*After that was the chest and arms of SILVER, which represented the kingdom of Cyrus in Medio Persia.

*After that was the thighs of BRONZE, which was the time of the Alexander The Great, who also conquered the world during his time. But after he had conquered the world, he drank himself to death. And his kingdom was ended!

*After Alexander the great, was the Kingdom of the Romans which was kingdom of IRON. They were called the Iron Monarchy of Rome (Legs of Iron). But when Rome fell it disintegrated into ten (10) kingdoms, which is the divided Kingdoms of EUROPE.

Napoleon Bonaparte
And ever since then, there has never been one kingdom which ruled the world anymore. It has been prophesied!

Another warrior, Napoleon wanted to dispute the word of the Lord, and began to fight Europe in order to rule Europe. But along the way he met his water-loo. He realized the word of the Lord can never be disputed and he exclaimed “God you are too much!”

There will never be a one-government again!
No one can destroy this world. Only Him that made the world has the power to destroy it. The only part of the prophecy that has not been fulfilled is the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. And Jesus is coming very soon, whether the world likes it or not!

ISIS cannot destroy the world, Boko-Haram will not, no one can. But Jesus alone will put an end to this world when He comes. Be prepared before it is too late!

THURSDAY - The Greatest Deception in History

Tonight, we are going to look at the prophecy the devil hates most and never wants you to listen to. It is titled "The Greatest Deception in History".

2nd Peter 1:20 - A lot of people think that the prophecy can never be understood, but no prophecy is of private interpretation. That is, we can only use the scriptures to interpret the scriptures.

The reality tonight, is that the church has been deceived. While the church was asleep, the enemy took something good away from the church. There has been an exchange!
That is why there is great deception in the world. But tonight we are going to be unfolding it. 

In Daniel chapter 7, Daniel had another dream, he saw four beasts that came out of the sea. One was like a LION, the second like a BEAR, the third like a LEOPARD, and behold the last one a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns.

God gave to Daniel in Daniel chapter 7, what He has shown to Nebuchadnezzar in his dream, in Daniel chapter 2.
Daniel saw a dragon that had 10 horns, which means 10 kings. And this represents the ten (Divided European) Kingdoms. And there was a little horn that came out of the ten horns, it had eyes like a man; and it spoke!
God gave a revelation of the end time, through both Nebuchadnezzar's dream (In Daniel chapter 2), and Daniel's dream (in Daniel chapter 7).

This particular horn was diverse (different) from the other horns. Prophetically, that means it is a seer (a prophet), that means this horn does not only have a political power but also a prophetic power - What is this little HORN POWER??
According to History, check through encyclopedia, the only kingdom that had both POLITICAL and PROPHETIC power is the PAPACY. And it speaks blasphemy against the Most High!

It is prophesied that this horn would speak "blasphemous words against the Lord", it would want to "take the place of the most high, on earth", and it would "change the times and laws" - This is the PAPACY. Most Christians died during the 1st and the 2nd World War - But the number of people that died during these wars, were not up to number of people that the PAPACY masterminded their killings, during the dark ages .

The Idol worshipers during the time of Constantine worshiped different gods on each day of the week. Sunday - god of SUN, Monday - god of MOON, Thursday - god of TORNADO, Friday - god of FIRE, and Saturday - god of SATURN.

So, when Constantine became a Christian he tried to unite both the Christians and the pagans together, so he, by virtue of his political power, as the mayor of Rome, changed the Day of Worship from Saturday to Sunday.

So a LAW was passed (by the Roman Empire and Papacy) that everyone must worship on Sunday, and anyone that goes against this law shall be killed - Hence, Christians worldwide began to worship on Sunday as against SATURDAY (the SABBATH) in the Law of the Lord!


The Catholic

It was the Catholic church (fundamentalists) that changed the day of worship to Sunday, in honour of resurrection, as against honouring the SABBATH REST.

"As the church slept at night, the enemy caused an exchange".
But the word of the Lord can never be changed! - Psalm 89:34.

It was not God that authorized the change, but it was done by its (Catholic's) own authority!

The Protestants churches derived their name from the opposition they formed against the Catholic church. Many centuries ago, there used to be only Catholic church and other Protestant churches, who protested against the Catholic's rule.

Papacy is being used by the enemy to cause a deception in the Christendom!
The Greatest Deception in History is the change of the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday!

Now, the question is, who will you follow? Is it the law of the LORD or the papacy?

Choose whom you will follow today (Joshua 24:15 ). 
"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord”.

FRIDAY - The Mark Of The Beast

Our title tonight is called "The Mark Of The Beast" - Revelation 14:6.

Is 666 the Mark of the Beast? We are going to know tonight!
In Revelation 13... that was where the BEAST was first mentioned. The Beast in Prophecy means a kingdom coming out of a popular area!

Mark of the beast is not a man... it is unlike the way it is painted in the movies, where a man would come out from nowhere.

There are 7 clues to understanding the Mark of the Beast. 

The first one is in Revelation 13:12.
The Second Clue is in Revelation 13:8.

"And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world"
The 3rd Clue is in Revelation 13:5.

"And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months"

The 4th clue is in Revelation 13:7.
"And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations."

The Catholic (Papacy) killed a lot of people!
In fact, they (the Catholics) killed more people during the dark ages, than the number of people who died during both the 1st and the 2nd World War.

Revelation 13:9, 10 - "If any man have an ear, let him hear. He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints."

Talking about the Papacy Rule
Revelation 13:3 - "And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast."

The Pope was killed in the past, but the Papacy rule was not yet over! It came back again!

Another clue is in Revelation 13:6 - "And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven".

666 - The first 6 means Rebellion!

The papacy has rebelled against the LAW of GOD.
Revelation 7:3 - "And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads"

The Sign of the Mark of the beast is the SEAL! Seal is a symbol of a Law.

7 (Sabbath Worship Day) represents PERFECTION, while represents REBELLION.

The TEN COMMANDMENTS of the LORD are a SEAL! You don't tamper with it because it was written by the hand of the LORD Himself - Ezekiel 20:20.

Sabbath Honour is a sign between God and His Children. The papacy tried to change that, to rebel against the SEAL (Authority) of God.

There are only 2 SEALS. It is either you receive the seal of God or the seal of the mark of the beast. And, it is all about worship. (Revelation 14: 7-8).

If you don't receive the SEAL OF GOD, you are not safe, you are living dangerously.

There is no middle ground. You need to take a stand - you either receive the seal of God or the seal of the beast.
Papacy's change of the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday is not biblical. It is a rebellion against GOD.

Keeping the Sabbath is not the only thing that will guarantee you a place in the Kingdom of God, but it is one of them - You need to accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour and decide whom you worship today! 

SATURDAY - (Con'd from Friday) Mark Of The Beast

Islam is a baby of the Papacy. There is a lot of similarities between Catholic and Islam - The Islam worshipers use rosary and also do Catholic members.

Islam women cover their hair, while catholic nuns also do the same. The catholic church gave birth to Islam after about a thousand years of catholic in existence!

In every Islamic state, there is an image of worship there!
The Catholic brought about the marriage of Political and Religious power, they usually force people in worship. And that is why Islam also practice the Sharia Law - Forcing people to worship - a sign of the beast!

There are evidences to the rule of this beast. These are Natural Disaster, Moral Decadence, Economic crisis (in the U.S.A), because America now experiences spiritual decline, because it has turned away from God!

Trump became the president of America because he spoke a prophetic language, he said during his campaign that, "they would bring God back to the White House".

Trump listened to the voice of the church (Christians) in the U.S. During Obama's administration there was a serious spiritual decline, homosexuality was legalized, the government and the citizens had forgotten about God, they no longer mentioned "Happy Christmas", but would say "Happy Holidays".

"Trump's emergence is fulfilling the prophecy - because as the U.S returns back to God as a Christian nation, the SUNDAY LAW would soon be passed!" - Pastor Bukky Ajide

When the Sunday Law is passed, the Church shall be persecuted by the beast. They want all Christians to worship on their own preferred day (Sunday), the others (Muslims) chose Friday as their own day. 

But, that is contrary to the Law of the LORD!

Someone may ask, is being an Adventist the only criteria for going to Heaven? - NO! But you shall be judged by the amount of truth that you have. The bible says "You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free".

At the end of the conference (on Saturday 14th June), there was an harvest of souls, as more people gave their lives to Jesus. Heeding the call to receive the SEAL of GOD! Amen.


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