If You Invite People to Church and They Refuse to Come, It Is Because You Have Not Invested Something into Their Lives - Pastor Bukky Ajide

Preacher: Pastor Bukola Ajide
Sermon Title: Don't Give Up, Help Is On the Way
Key Text: Luke 10:30-37.

The message was delivered on Saturday 7th October, during Sabbath celebration service. Pastor Ajide took the church through the important lessons of victory, which are derived from the story of the man who was attacked in (Luke chapter 10:30), and later got helped by a total strange (Samaritan) man

The message highlights the important attributes of a true christian, the need to always be compassionate to people at all times, and the need to always be at the right place at the right time. The sermon also dwells on the lesson of total reliance on God, and not on any man, as help could come at any time, from very unexpected sources.

The key notes from the sermon are highlighted below. Be blessed as you read.

"A true Christian is known by what they do for God, what they do with God, and what they do with those under them".
It is only God’s word that does not change. If He tells you not to do something don’t do it. Do not compromise. When you compromise the garment of righteousness will be taken away from you (just like the man who went from Jerusalem to Jericho)

People suggest all sorts of things – but don’t go and look for help with your enemy, because satan is your enemy.

Don’t live in compromise for no reason. If you know something is not right, don’t do it. Those who compromise regret later. When you leave your place of grace to a place where there is no grace, what you get is disgrace. You will not regret in Jesus name. Amen.

"Christianity is about saving people’s lives, helping them, and bringing them up. I pray for somebody here the spirit of compassion will come upon you in Jesus name. And God will send compassion to you in the name of Jesus".

"Some of you have been looking up to men to help you and have been disappointed several times. And by so doing you lose focus on God, who is the main helper of men. Men will always disappoint, but God will always your helper. He is the one that will send helper to you, to lift you up!"

The man who was beaten by the thieves thought both the priest and the levite were going to help him, but they let him down; nothing happened until God sent helper his way. Vain is the help of man!

The man got help eventually – So don’t give up, help is on the way. I have come to announce to you, your divine helper will locate you in Jesus name! Help is on the way. Don’t give up your miracle is on the way - God will send divine helper to you. I declare to you your Samaritan is coming; they thought it is over but your help is coming. 

They thought you have been forgotten, but your help will reach you before the end of this year. From the least expected source, help is coming. Help is on the way. Keep on believing… keep on trusting!

"I want to challenge you this morning to go demonstrate the love of Christ. Don’t be too occupied, if you invite people to come to church and they refuse to come, it is because you have not invested something into their lives. 

"If only we could show the love of Christ to people, this place (auditorium) will not be enough to contain people during worship. Go this week and show kindness to somebody." 

"Don't be in too much of a haste to get out of the house and hurry to places of appointment. Take your time to show some concern for people around you, and even to people you encounter on your way". Cut down on the fast life and be a helper to the helpless in your environment.

God says “blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy”.

Go and show love to someone that cannot pay you back. Show them the help of Jesus, because only Jesus can help. 

The Lord says you should go and sow the seed of forgiveness, go and forgive, so that you can also receive mercy and help from the Lord.

#DontGiveUp #HelpIsOnTheWay #GodBlessYou


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