SABBATH MESSAGE: The Greatest Failure in Life Is Being Successful In A Wrong Assignment


A call has gone to all Christians to identify and find their purpose in life, to enable them fulfill God's kingdom mandate on earth.

This call was made by Pastor Bukola Ajide, the presiding pastor of Victory Sanctuary Sevevnth-Day Adventist Church, Lekki, Lagos. This came during the Sabbath celebrations sermon on Saturday, 22nd of October, 2016.

He said for Christians to have dominion in the different areas of life, they must recognize that particular area of their purpose and influence the world with it. In his words, he said "Your purpose is not what you do in the church, it is what you do outside the church to influence people for the kingdom of God". The great commission is what you do outside the church. What you do inside the church is maintaining the house. It is to come and take strength and power in order to influence and dominate in the world".

Pastor Bukky Ajide during the sermon
7 Spheres of Influence

He also noted that there are 7 Mountains, which are 7 spheres of influence in the society, by which we can influence the world with the kingdom of God.

These are mountains of;


Performing Arts and Media


Business and Commerce


Government and Politics

Health and Technology

He noted that "the problem is that the church is focused on only one, of all the mountains,which is Religion. In Genesis 1:27-28 God says be fruitful, dominate and subdue the earth. God's will for us is to have dominion in every aspect of the society. God wants us to influence the world in all areas, not just in only religion".

"The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but not knowing your purpose".

"The greatest mistake is being busy and not effective".

"The greatest mistake in life is being successful in a wrong assignment".

God always has a plan. There are three types of plans in life; God's plan, parents' plan and yours. The plan of God for you is for good and not evil. You are a failure if you miss it (His plan).

"Your being born in Africa is by design, not a mistake. It is for you to solve a problem. You are here for a reason and a season. Because God knows one day Nigeria and Africa would need you".

The pastor says a lot of people are just living, and not fulfilling their purpose. He asserted that if you are enduring your job, and not enjoying it, then you are in a wrong place.

"Because when God calls you, He anoints you and blesses your gift".

Pastor Bukky
"One of the questions you need to ask yourself is 'why am I here? What am I doing?'.

Dominion in Seven Mountains

Pastor Ajide also explains that the Christians are not having dominion in all these (seven) areas because they are in a wrong place. In his words, "Your gift will make room for you. It will bring you before great people. If you polish your gift, it becomes a fruit. The purpose of education is to polish your gift to become a fruit!"

Victory Sanctuary members during the service on Saturday
"People are in wrong professions they don't have a calling for, and that is why they are not fulfilled, and excellent. Some people for example, became teachers by chance. Not having the calling and gifting, that is why they are mean to students, they can't explain well, because they were not called".

"Your gift makes ways for you, not your job, not your education. It is your gift that you will use to fulfill your purpose".

He gave examples of gifted people in the Bible that are successful, Joseph and Daniel, their gifts made way for them, and they were able to
fulfill their respective purposes. He cited another personal experience, "I remember when I left the University, I once taught Chemistry. I gave the students very practical and familiar examples while explaining different chemistry concepts to them, and I made it (the subject) look very easy to the students, and they were very excited. They said they've never understood the subject so well before. With that I knew I had a calling for teaching".

"In your area of calling you will have compassion, that's why instead of being leaders, some people are being looters. Your area of passion is something you do without sweating".

"Your gifting complements your purpose".

"Find a solution to a problem. Solve a problem, and you are in business of fulfilling purpose. Satan's purpose is to control the destiny of men, but God has provided an alternative. In His kingdom He has provided everything that you need. You can be a janitor at the airport and be blessed and fulfilled. God makes provision for every mission".

The ravens fed Elijah in his place of purpose

It is also established that those who follow their purpose get all their needs supplied to them. He stressed that, "When you are in place of purpose, the ravens will feed you. There's a provision waiting for you. I prophesy, in this recession, the ravens will feed you in Jesus name. Amen.

"Abraham, Isaac, and even Joseph had their needs supplied to them, even in recession, because they were in a place of purpose. In the world people work hard and labour, but they get nothing for it. But in the kingdom of God, every need is supplied, everything is available. Because He said, He shall supply all our needs, according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus".

The congregation receiving the message 
People who who are fulfilling their purposes don't retire

He observed that, "Work is not to be labour, or toilsome for us. It is something you should be excited about. Humanity over work themselves physically and mentally, because it's the world system. When you are in your purpose, you won't be tired, but when you are in a wrong place, you look forward to retirement. People retire because they are tired! People who have found their purpose don't retire. They do it (work) until their last days".

"Stir up the gift in you, there's something in everyone. That's why you are here. Someone said the richest place in the world is the graveyard, because there's a lot of money, houses, wealth, riches, properties, cars, and potentials that people have died with and never accomplished".

"Pray to God that you will not contribute to the wealth of the grave....but that you will fulfill purpose and potentials, and be a solution to a problem in the world, in Jesus name.

Are you enjoying or enduring your job?

I pray that every of your dream shall come to pass; you will fulfill your potentials; the enemy will not steal your potentials from you. In Jesus name. Amen.

More  photos from the service below...

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