
Showing posts from November, 2016

CHURCH UNUSUAL: As Christians This Recession Should Not Be Seen As Trouble But as An Opportunity

Topic: Christian Family Strategies In an Era of Economic Downturn Speakers: Mr. Bright Chimezie and Mrs. Victoria Onwubiko How to Survive In Era of Recession It was indeed an unusual service at Victory Sanctuary S.D.A Church, Lekki, Lagos, on Wednesday, 23rd of November, 2016. Two experts in the financial field, Mr Bright Chimezie, an insurance profssional, and Mrs. Victoria Onwubiko, a marketing manager at, took the church audience on a journey of financial analysis and gave insights on the best possible ways by which Christians can survive their finances, especially in this current time of economic recession. Below are excerpts from the discussions... Question (Mr Bright): How can Christian families manage this recession, can we come out of it? How do you describe economic recession, and what are its evidences? Answer (Mrs Onwubiko): The things that point out to a period of economic downturn are; inflation, inflation has currently increased to 17.1 in N

Don't be a Jack of All Trades and Master of Non - Be Good in One Area and Be Your Best

Message: Expressing Dominion Mandate Date: Saturday, 19th of November, 2016. Preacher: Pastor Bukky Ajide Bible Reading : Genesis   4:16 - 21. -  Being fruitful and multiplying was God's method of dominion.   -  Every man has the power to have dominion.  -  We are not supposed to dominate each other, because that's witchcraft. Rather, we should dominate circumstances, things, territories .  - Don't be a jack of all trades and master of non -  don't try to do everything. Be good in one area and be your best. "Two weeks a go , while at Ethiopia, we were told that there was a State of Emer gency  in the country and that we can't  go  out in the night. They said the minority were the once in power and rulin g, so the other (majority) people are angry. It is all about dominion. But, is that God's mandate for dominion? God says you can have dominion over everything. A tribe in Kenya goes to the lions and take the meat of an animal the lions have

Sights from the Church @Praise and Worship: (Photos)

This was the  scene of  worship at Victory Sanctuary Seventh-Day Church, Lekki, Lagos on Saturday 19th of November, 2016. Give praises and worship to the Lord God Almighty for He is good, and His mercy endures forever!  More pictures below... Praise the Lord.... Halleluyah to the Lord God Omnipotent!


Come and experience an unusual revelation for all that you'll need in this current economic period. Come with an expectation!  

If You are a Christian and You Don't have Concerns for Soul-winning, Your Christianity is in doubt and Without Power.

Preacher: Elder Emmanuel Okpechi Topic: Connecting With The Supernatural  Bible Text  - 2nd Corinthians  5:17-20. "The best thing that can happen to a man is to be called a child of God. If you are a Christian and you don't have concern for soul-winning, your Christianity is in doubt and without power". The preacher began the sermon with the above striking quote, and says further, "The measure of importance of a thing is the value of what you are ready to give up for it". In John 3:16 - What is uppermost in God's mind in this scriptures? - The World (Sinners). Those who are separated and and disconnected through sin, from God. Romans 8:32 says "God did not spare His only Son, but gave Him up" - Because He loves the world so much, the love we are talking about is the love to save. Though, He also loves the Church people, workers, evangelists, choristers equally, but the type of love he has for the world (the sinners) is for salvat

Sabbath Message - You Are Supposed to Send people to Christ, Not to your Pastor.

Saturday 29th October, 2016. Message Title - Ruling My Promised Land Preacher - Pastor Reuben Onwubiko What does it mean to rule one's promised land? Reading from John 1 verse 5, the word of God says "I am the vine, you are the branches; he that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing".  The man of God say "There's a difference between the mindset of Esau generation and Jacob generation. Esau mentality, is the one that would make you to not develop your environment. ...Romans 12:2 warns, "And be not conformed to this world..." The will of God for us is to be kingdom of God. He noted, "We have problems in Africa because that purposeful will of God is not being accomplished". The minister explains that we need a kingdom shift as a church. "John 15:5 says you can't do anything unless you recognize that you are part (branch) of the vine. The problem