Don't be a Jack of All Trades and Master of Non - Be Good in One Area and Be Your Best

Message: Expressing Dominion Mandate
Date: Saturday, 19th of November, 2016.
Preacher: Pastor Bukky Ajide
Bible Reading : Genesis 4:16 - 21.

Being fruitful and multiplying was God's method of dominion. 

Every man has the power to have dominion. 

We are not supposed to dominate each other, because that's witchcraft. Rather, we should dominate circumstances, things, territories

- Don't be a jack of all trades and master of non -  don't try to do everything. Be good in one area and be your best.

"Two weeks ago, while at Ethiopia, we were told that there was a State of Emergency in the country and that we can't go out in the night. They said the minority were the once in power and ruling, so the other (majority) people are angry. It is all about dominion. But, is that God's mandate for dominion? God says you can have dominion over everything. A tribe in Kenya goes to the lions and take the meat of an animal the lions have killed and make away with it".

We are not supposed to dominate each other, because that's witchcraft. Rather, we should dominate circumstances, things, territories. People are doing it wrongly, that's why there is a problem in the world. There are seven areas of influence. That is why when a government is formed, they try to appoint people in all these areas. God wants us to be fruitful and dominate!

God has given us the dominion mandate. Jesus says the children of this world are wiser than the children of kingdom. Remember Genesis 1 verse 27, God says "Let us create man in our own image, and let him subdue, dominate and be fruitful". 

The dominion mandate was given to man, and not to the Christians alone. Every man has the power to have dominion. Cain positioned his children to begin to take control over different areas (in all industries). The daughters of men were the lineage of Cain. By the time Adam and Eve were going to recover from this, they were six generations behind. 

Why is the church not taking the dominion? Because we have low-level thinking. In Genesis 6:2, the Bible says the children of the world (the children of Cain) took over, before you knew it the whole world had been taken over. The church then can't compete with them anymore. That is why He (God)  destroyed the whole world, to create it newly again. God destroyed world because the children of the world has taken over the world.  

Pastor Bukky Ajide during the sermon

In Genesis 8:21-22, God blessed Noah and his sons, and asked them to be fruitful and multiply in the world (dominion mandate). Being fruitful and multiplying was God's method of dominion mandate. Though Noah could not do much. he did agriculture, he also produced wine and got drunk. On the other hand, Nimrod began to build cities all over again, while the children of God were still thinking about the Ark. Nimrod built cities, including Babylon. They were building the towers of Babel in Gen 11, and they began to speak one language, before scattered them, whereas the children of God only involved in agriculture. 

Genesis 11:6 - Say to yourself "Nothing can stop me, as you have determined in your heart". "I prophesy to you this morning, they will not stop you and the dreams that you have, in Jesus name. Amen. And the Lord scattered them, the same way God is going to scatter your enemies in Jesus name. God wants us to take over, but we think too small. Think BIG!

"We are not taking the dominion mandate seriously as God purposed it".

"A man was once in the presence of the King of Saudi-Arabia, and the king said he wants to give the man a gift. And the man said he needed a golf club. Six months after, he visited the king and the king sent a key to a whole golf course to him. He was surprised". The king does not think small. How much more the King of Kings!!! He has everything, ask Him big things.

Tell your neighbour... think BIG!

The congregation during the sermon

"Pastor Adeboye said before that when he wanted to resign from his appointment with University of Lagos, he was asking God to give him a flat, and God said, 'why are you asking for a flat, when I can give you a city?' That was what brought about the dream of the Redemption City - the biggest private city in the world. Everything is there, banks, university, and all the things you can find in a city". Things don't just just happen, you make it happen in the spirit. The church should stop thinking small. 

He never said you should dominate people by oppressing them, but by having dominion in your field, by discipling people in that your area (profession), for example, discipling doctors, engineers, lawyers. Polish your gift in that area and have dominion by being productive in it. Don't be a jack of all trades and master of non -  don't try to do everything. Be good in one area and be your best.

It is same way the world have dominion. It is God's way. Things are changing everyday, children of God are expected to take opportunities coming everyday. The Bible says eyes have not seen, ears have heard. Look at Bill Gates with Microsoft, Zukerberg with facebook, Amazon, where are these platforms located? Everything is (e-) electronic. Do something and have dominions over the world, the demons, over principalities and powers. Elijah said it shall not rain and it happened.

There are only two parties in th world, God's party and the world party. Jesus has won the victory. We are the superior party. We are in the winning team, the ruling party. Take dominion and possess it.

Stop thinking small.

Holy Spirit, teach us to exercise our dominion in Jesus name. Amen.


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