Sabbath Message - You Are Supposed to Send people to Christ, Not to your Pastor.

Saturday 29th October, 2016.

Message Title - Ruling My Promised Land

Preacher - Pastor Reuben Onwubiko

What does it mean to rule one's promised land?

Reading from John 1 verse 5, the word of God says "I am the vine, you are the branches; he that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing". 

The man of God say "There's a difference between the mindset of Esau generation and Jacob generation. Esau mentality, is the one that would make you to not develop your environment. ...Romans 12:2 warns, "And be not conformed to this world..."

The will of God for us is to be kingdom of God. He noted, "We have problems in Africa because that purposeful will of God is not being accomplished".

The minister explains that we need a kingdom shift as a church. "John 15:5 says you can't do anything unless you recognize that you are part (branch) of the vine. The problem with the church members is we are supposed to be kingdom-minded, not church church-minded. Not to begin to fight over who becomes the church first elder, church pastor".

"Do something. Our light is supposed to be the light of the world". 

Pastor Reuben
He was very critical of Christians, always being too church-minded and expressed the danger attached to it. He says "You would become so egocentric. You are supposed to send people to Christ, not to your pastor. And it is also not supposed to be about titles - My church is the biggest church, the biggest auditorium, and so on".

"That is why you hear about men of God who go to dark powers to increase their church membership".

The preacher further more warned about the mindset of being engrossed with being remnant and special as a church, "Ego of we are the remnant church, others are going to hell. Jesus warned. it is not everyone who calls me Lord Lord, who will enter the kingdom of God. Everything we do here is about Him (God), we are doing it on His behalf".

The Kingdom-minded Christians

In his words, "The kingdom-minded prays and ministers to lost souls".

How do we become kingdom-minded?

We need to understand the superior mandate of the kingdom of God. "When last have been been in the midst of sinners, preaching?

"The burden is not supposed to be church leaders issue, but that of everyone who is part of His kingdom".

Jesus asked us to pray that His will should be done. How do you know His will? You cannot minister to the lost if you don't know the will of God. Our duty is not to criticize the Zaccheuses of this world, but to embrace them and bring them to His house (His kingdom).

"Why is it that after we take power, we now go and hide them?" We fear a person who is an Ogboni, how do you bring them to Christ? When last have you visited someone, to ask how he was doing?

It is wrong for us to bring people into the church and allow them to go with their burden. Do not love with words alone, but with actions!

Jesus says in Matthew 28:19, go ye into the world, You need to go and connect to them and serve them. If you are not serving the nation and connect to them, you are not kingdom-minded.

"Church for too long has been fixed with the narrow-minded people. Prejudice people, saying things like - 'see the way he dressed, see him in a hotel'. Why can't you go there and preach to them there? Even Jesus was born in a hotel, He was born in a manger, in the backyard of an hotel. Don't be annoyed but he was born there".

Not the church, but the kingdom, It should be all about conversion, go ye into the world, teach them and convert them.

Out of 80% of converts in church, only 5% of them are retained.

7 Gates

The kingdom of God is covered under seven gates;
Family and health, government, media, business, education, religion and technology.

We need people (Christians) in all these spheres. Matthew 28 says we must go, go to where? Everywhere. Not sitting in the church! Jesus is going to ask me and you.

"We don't have to be millions, Jesus had only 12 guys and they turned the world around. We should be able to do something and work for the kingdom of God".



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