If You are a Christian and You Don't have Concerns for Soul-winning, Your Christianity is in doubt and Without Power.

Preacher: Elder Emmanuel Okpechi

Topic: Connecting With The Supernatural 

Bible Text - 2nd Corinthians  5:17-20.

"The best thing that can happen to a man is to be called a child of God. If you are a Christian and you don't have concern for soul-winning, your Christianity is in doubt and without power".

The preacher began the sermon with the above striking quote, and says further, "The measure of importance of a thing is the value of what you are ready to give up for it".

In John 3:16 - What is uppermost in God's mind in this scriptures? - The World (Sinners).
Those who are separated and and disconnected through sin, from God. Romans 8:32 says "God did not spare His only Son, but gave Him up" - Because He loves the world so much, the love we are talking about is the love to save. Though, He also loves the Church people, workers, evangelists, choristers equally, but the type of love he has for the world (the sinners) is for salvation.

2nd Corinthians chapter 5, says that God wants us to be reconciled back to Him, through Jesus. "Be ye reconciled unto God - this is uppermost to Him, to reconcile His children. He wants the reconciliation of the world to Himself and He has called us to be ambassadors to God".

The greatest thing that God has that he gave up was Jesus. Anyone who will be identified with Heavens in this ministry (of reconciliation) will be connected to the supernatural.  

By this doing , what you shall receive is; power. The Bible says we are ambassadors of Christ.

Characteristics of an ambassador

  • He represents his own country - So Heaven is our country and God the Almighty is the president.
  • He does not speak his own mind, but the mind of his country - He speaks the word of God, which power, and is powerful. The word of God is His acts. It is pierces, and it is sharper than any two-edge sword. Even though you are in a foreign land, you are not of that country.

  • An ambassador has immunity against the laws of that foreign country - We have a home, destination. We are here on here on a mission. As ambassadors we will called home very soon. Your own country is where there is no death, where God reigns.
  • An ambassador conducts himself with the highest degree of discipline and decorum in a country where he is a representative.
  • Ambassadors issue visas - He rants visas to those who wants to go to the kingdom of God freely, without conditions. For as long as they can confess Jesus with their mouth as their Saviour.

What Makes You an Ambassador?

If you want to connect with Heavens, connect in a way that touches God's soul. We are called into the ministry of reconciliation, and we can only be a part of this when we have given our lives to Jesus. Connect with and meet the needs of people around.

One of best ways of witnessing is sharing your testimony. Locate the people with needs and reach out to them. Pray with them. 

"If you are a Child of God and you are not having having concerns for soul-winning, then your Christianity is in doubt and without power. But if you connect yourself with the reconciliation ministry, you will receive power and be transformed".


 More photos from the service below...


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