Sermon on Christmas Carol Sabbath: We Just Had Sex!

Message: We Just Had Sex

Bible Text: Revelation 21:1-end

Date: Saturday, 17th of December, 2016.

The sermon at Victory Sanctuary on the Christmas Carol Sabbath came shortly after the carol services ended, and it was a brief one. It was delivered by the senior pastor, Pastor Bukky Ajide.

The main body of the sermon hinges on the warning about the end time and what could be the possible end of every individual person on earth. 

He shared a short story which was titled We Just Had Sex. "It was all about a choir-master and one of the choristers at a church (both not married) that were having immoral sexual affairs together, and this was not known to other members of their church".

L-R (Officiating ministers), Pastor Adeoye, Pastor Ajide, Pastor Olaore and Pst. Igbalaloju

"One evening, just as it was in their usual practice, the choir lady came visiting the choir master in his house, and they had sex together!"

"After their affair that evening, the choir master had seen the lady off to board a bike back home. Some minutes later, he received a call, and the caller informed him that the lady had just been involved in an accident, and she didn't survive it. She has died!".

"He could not believe it, but when the reality dawned on him, he could not help but yell out the word -  But We Just Had Sex! When he visited the home of the deceased, he met other members of the church praising her and extolling her christian virtues, at her death, drawing a consolation from her life, saying that she would certainly make heaven. But in his heart he knew so surely that she had died in sin and she would not make it to heaven. He could actually tell the kind of life that she had lived as they both committed sins together". 

It is on this background that the pastor drew his message of the day. He asked the members of the congregation some questions... "Do you have any secret sin that you are harbouring in your corners? Do you come to church and hear the word of God, but go away not doing them, and do not follow the commandments of God?"

PRAYER - "Whatever sinful (lifestyle or habits) it is that you know that you still practice or struggle with, open up to the Lord now, confess your sins, and ask Him to forgive you, and to cleanse you from life of unrighteousness.

Jesus is the reason for the season. He is the reason we are celebrating, so don't let his coming to this world be in vain over your life. Surrender your life to Him now, so that you can be saved. - John 3:16.

Bible reading

Church during a short movie show about Jesus 


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